It doesn’t cost more to be different.
Our business employs a team of highly trained and skilled designers that can help you to transform your dream home into a reality. From inception to completion we will help ensure a seamless process from concept design right through to final engineering drawings, all completed in house by our diverse team.
These services include:
Concept Design
Initial return brief including detailed plans and 3D perspectives
Design Development
Development of conceptual plans into detailed drawings including site plan, floor plans, elevations and sun studies
Council Submissions
Submission on your behalf of Development and Building Applications and any other relevant documentation to Council
Construction Documentation
Construction documentation including, but not limited to, detailed floor, roof, drainage and lighting plans, elevations and sections
Engineering Documentation
Detailed drawings including slab & slab set out plans, framing, bracing and lintel plans and detailed sections
Realistic 3D visualisations
Image/s showcasing how your design will look on site with special attention to material & colour specifications